Proudly serving:

Community groups such as mom and dad’s groups, church groups, clubs, etc.

Non-profit organizations such as community-based centers, social and civic programs, etc.

Child care centers that are private, business-sponsored and government-sponsored.

Private businesses such as hospitals, doctor’s offices, counseling centers, treatment programs, corporate businesses, etc.

Governmental organizations and entities such as court systems, jails and prisons, social service and health departments, etc.


– Resource and Curriculum Development 

JNC develops customized parenting and family life resources and curriculum to fit specific needs.

– Supervised Visitation

JFNC provides supervision and coaching for caregivers/parents before and after home and community-based parent-child visitations.

– Program Evaluation

JFNC conducts comprehensive evaluations of parenting programs and services and provides specific recommendations for improvement. Services include conducting on-site observations, interviews and focus groups, as well as assessing program materials, as appropriate.

-Parenting Program and Service Delivery

JFNC delivers specific and general parenting education programs and services onsite. This includes delivering one-time parenting programs, parenting series, or co-locating to facilitate ease of access to parenting services.